wordpress upgrade

Woot. Finally, I upgraded the software that runs my blog. The new editing interface is pretty slick and seems to support Safari pretty well. I think I was in the shower the other day when I had a thought about my asymmetric bandwidth usage and how that translates to mental something-or-other. Recently, I’ve gotten very into Google Reader, and I’ve made a point to only subscribe to podcasts that I actually find the time to listen to. Now I’m now doing all this rss feed reading and podcast listening. While I do that, I’m thinking about what I’m taking in. I’ll think about it for a bit while it happens or maybe for bit afterwards, but then, since I take in so much raw data, not much happens with the information. Soon, it’s lost. Hence, my mental something-or-other.

Here’s where the geek context comes in: asymmetric bandwidth usage. My brain is like typical home DSL line. Great downstream bandwidth, but lousy upstream bandwidth. The bandwidth analogy led me to decide maybe I should try to produce more stuff, like blog entries and photos. Notice how this entry has multiple sentences and even paragraphs. Long time readers will know how rare that is. So, there you go. WordPress 2.5.1 and longer blog entries! Huzzah!

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