One of the tires in

One of the tires in this honda ad (flash 6
req’d) sure looked as if it accelerates uphill after the initial hit.
But.. Ok, I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt there was no cgi and
say wow. Thx samurai kev!

Been scouring the web looking

Been scouring the web looking for headlines like “Stars Fall! See
Ducks” (with a picture w/ Duck logos spinning around Mike “Whiner”
Modano’s head), and stuff like that. Alas nothing until I found Goin’ Quackers
from guadspot. 2 out of 5 Ducks for that headline; keep trying! I love
sitting in the absolute top row of the pond. You feel a little strange,
but you can stand for as much of the game as you want. Go Ducks!

Look Ma – More overtime

I sure hope the ducks beat the Stars tonight without going into quintuple overtime. Why? It will give the Stars more time to whine
to the media about why they should be winning the games except for bad
refs and dirty play from the Ducks. Pleaasssse! Lace ’em up or shut up!