My First G-men

boy yo. I’ve got a good one. Today, I met my first G-men.
It was pretty cool. They were invited to speak to a computer security
group at UCLA. Someone made the joke “how do we really know you’re from
the FBI?” They laughed but all the while whipping out their ‘creds’.
One of the guys was exactly what you would expect. It’s amazing how
much some movie/TV cops are like this guy. One was a bit more nerdy,
but still had the fbi-tude. The third was an older, wizened gentleman
with just a hint of the fbi-tude. Anyway.

As you can see, I’m using mixed case again. The stitches on my finger are out and it looks like I might not have a scar after all. So much for that. I guess I’ll have to keep trying.