Woowho! The Ducks won their

Woowho! The Ducks
won their first game 3-1. Excellent. While at the game, I saw the
funniest thing. During the intermission, they had a contest on the ice.
They brought three fans out. Two were about 18 but the second kid in
line was only 8 or so. When it came to be his turn to say “Mighty Ducks
fans…Let’s get ready to ruummmmble.”, he just stood there. And he
stood there. And, from off camera, you could tell they were trying to
help him with what to say. And, he started to cry. They quickly moved
the camera to the third person. Poor kid, but it was hilarious. I
laughed for 5 minutes solid. I cheered for him with the rest of the
crowd during judging and he won the prize. Then, I went right on