Whew…time flies when you aren’t

Whew…time flies when you aren’t blogging– I thought I was current… Anywho.

Saw the IMAX version of Beauty and the Beast this weekend. The music was great but I was less than amazed by the picture. Sure, it was big
but it was the letterbox versus 4:3 aspect ratio issue. While they did
go through and cleaned up the animation for the big screen, it was
obvious they had to crop the sides to fit onto IMAX. Nonetheless,
seeing it with the mini-guad’s was fun. Plus, I found great pizza down
the street at Old Town Pizza in Monrovia. Woot!

And, then, at band camp… we finally dubbed our own really wicked hong kong movie featuring horny bee products. (way to go Kevin and Sheila! your creative genius inspire me! can I blog them btw?)