First post in movable type

I spent a good bit of the weekend moving from blogger to movabletype. A good bit of the time was spent converting the old entries to be valid XHTML. I discovered a lot of broken links from 2000 & 2001. Not sure I’ll go back to fix those. I need to finish quite a few things, like the iPaulo movie reviews, logo and image thingy. Hopefully, I’ll come up with a cool way to do the image thingy so it’s not so stale.

My favorite thing so far about movable type would have to be titles. At first I thought they would really suck. Now, I’m really looking forward to using them. As I was making the old entries valid XHTML, I added proper titles to several entries. Titles are another way to be clever… My least favorite thing would have to be the entry editing tool. Blogger’s had features like links, bold, etc. I’m sure it won’t be hard to find something for mt but it’s no fun even typing this entry.

2 thoughts on “First post in movable type”

  1. well done china. truly a herculean effort. how’d you do those dates in the side with that nice effect. much to learn from the master. but definitely not happy with the email requirement.

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