
Heroes, the show on NBC, just keeps getting better and better. If this show gets canceled like Firefly, I might need to stop watching TV.

Categories TV

departed queens and children

Wow! Three highly rated movies opened this weekend. Who’s with me?! The Departed, The Queen, and Little Children. The little I read about Little Children didn’t make me jump out of my seat, but it does have Kate. Ever since Spotless Mind, she’s been a must see in my book. I’ll probably see The Queen first since it’s playing within walking distance of both our apartment and darn good milk shakes. Have a great weekend Kevin! And Mike, call me to see some of deese movies.

diving on a wreck

On the 23rd, I think Scott and I will be diving to see the SueJac. We won’t be going inside or anything too wild, but it should be pretty cool anyway!

dive 6 done

Scott and I safely completed the 3R’s morning of training and did a short dive afterwards. Slack tide (or slack water is close enough) would have been better, but it wasn’t terrible when we exited out of the water about 2 hours after high tide. We actually did quite a few things wrong, but for my first dive without an instructor (and my first shore dive), I’m pleased with how it turned out.

new car

iPaulo needs a new car. The 1995 Honda sedan needs too much work to make it worthwhile. I’m not interested in big gas guzzlers, I would like something kind of fun, city living friendly (smallish), maybe with some cargo space for scuba gear. Send suggestions by any means necessary.

diving continues part II

Well, diving will now continue as a PADI open water certified diver. Woot! Dove the rookery at Santa Barbara Island, which was just teaming with sea lions. They came right up to us, swam, danced, stared. It was amazing. Fortunately, they didn’t “chew on fins or snorkels“. (Gotta ask Brian about that one!) I wonder if chewing on fins would be considered an attack, or just play. Brian said he’s never seen them attack anyone. Can’t wait to see the photos classmates and instructor took.