usb missile launcher

I really need to have 2 or 3 of these USB Missile Launchers in my hands immediately. I don’t know why I’m having so much trouble finding a domestic vendor for them. Until I do, you can enjoy these videos by other folks. Once I have at least one, I’m clearly going to post my very own video (with help from Big & little Guad Spot plus their video camera and some of little G’s legos!)

Aloha Turtle

OK, this is my first attempt at using Apple’s Aperture to retouch my raw photos. Let’s look at the results. (Sorry, I didn’t plan to do a before and after until it was too late so the crop isn’t the same) The original:

With my work in aperture, it looks like this:

woot! Until I put them side by side, it actually looked like my work made the image worse. But I think my version is a slight improvement. Righto.

aloha blue sky

The sky in this picture looks pretty amazing in its full 16-bit RAW color. As a jpeg, I’m less enthused but it’s still ok. Since I’m several days behind schedule on my one a day, I’m posting it.

blog rolls and links

Does anyone use an rss reader to keep up with iPaulo? If so, you might not have seen a few new additions. Check them out. Also, requests from faithful ipaulo readers are now being taken for additional movie showtime links. In upgrading to the new version of wordpress, I experimented with the link management tools which work great! So send me your requests.

aloha little falls

Is this considered a waterfall? Or merely a water feature? I don’t know, but it’s pretty.

new theme

Woohoo. I upgraded to WordPress 2.x after seeing it in use at work. I also dug around and found this cool new theme. I’d like to add a light graphic element, perhaps something like the infrequently rotated image from the old site. I’ll have to check that out. I’m not sure how I feel about the theme author’s “sponsor” link that he requests you include, but I’ve tweaked it slightly and will leave it for now. WordPress 2.x supports a plugin called Widgets by Automattic which is truly cool. I’m still playing around (my movie ratings are missing for now. Sorry.) but it looks very cool.

aloha kanji thingy

Is it shameless to hope a certain bilingual iPaulonesian will translate this for me and leave a comment? Hmmm. Regardless, I won’t let it stop me from posting this image from the Liliuokalani Gardens in Hilo, HI. I was drawn to photograph several of these stone whatever-they-ares. The contrast of the dark, kanji lettering and the textured stone really drew my eye.

Nacho Libre

Saw Nacho Libre last night. Very funny! I am still pondering whether having watched Jack Black’s video podcast had a positive or negative effect on my enjoyment of the movie.


Myk said Cars holds its own with the Pixar family of great animation. I concur. Very funny, sweet, and beautifully animated.

Aloha Flower

Hopefully I get a pass this time on the long time between posts because we were in Hawaii for 11 days! Here’s a quick run at my first photo from the trip. More later.