Oh, and what a bummer. My longest streak (3 in row) of full iPaulo movies came to an end last night watching Dreamers.
Unless I horribly misjudged his reaction, Myk’s whopping 13 🙂 movie
streak came to an end as well on Friday the 13th. Sad but fitting.
Iraqi Rewards
Is it just me, or does the Iraqi Rewards Program on guad:)spot sound entirely too much like the Discover Rewards Program? Frightening (yeah, I know! it’s the cashback program now but they changed the name a bit ago)
The Company
Carol and I saw The Company last night. What a movie! This is one of those movies where I wished the iPaulo scale had more letters!! Neve Campbell
(btw, what kind of name is Neve?!) , who trained with the National
Ballet of Canada before turning to acting, was good although I was
waiting for a 3 way ala Wild Things
for about half the movie. The dancing was amazing. Each dance sequence
was short, beautiful, and cinematically just plain interesting. Add the
context from the behind the scenes stuff leading up to each sequence,
and I was totally enthralled by ahem.. ballet. I read a view blogs by
people who were ballet fans who didn’t like the movie very much. But to
me, a complete ballet neophyte, it was great (btw, Fog of War was also
an ipauloooooooo movie!)
Fog of War
Mike’s thoughts on Fog of War over on guad 🙂 spot summed things up pretty well.
LA traffic map
Sweet LA freeway status.
I enjoyed this movie. From a movie making standpoint, I thought the ending was a bit sudden. Otherwise, a darn good movie; probably the best hockey movie.
Batting Practice with Penguins
Get in touch with your inner yeti
(and some penguins!). Penguins?! I hear this was written by people who
hate linux as a response to the MyDoom virus’s attack on SCO.
What the hell is trackback?!
What the hell is trackback?!
That is a question I have asked myself several times. Deciding it was
time to grok this bit of geek speak, it was pretty easy thanks to Joe
Grossberg. Oddly enough, his link is actually broken (will the real trackback for beginners link please stand up)
Huh. This is odd. While thom is having his mt-blacklist woes, all his vociferations links come back to my site. Huh. So, welcome thompaul users!
Steve Martin – Good
I’m reading two very different books right now – The Pleasure of My Company and Demontech – and they both have used the word diaphanous. How strange is that.