Maybe it was a slow day. Maybe I’m just a bit late to the game finding
this site. Or maybe everything is just as it should be. Regardless
which is true, I feel a bit odd posting a site called JoBlo. It feels like mid 90’s web design (i.e ugly), but it’s a great site for finding movie trailers and parodies.
Ever wonder what happened to
Ever wonder what happened to Doc Morton from Emergency? Now you can know. Visit Erika and Rozane’s Emergency! Page.
This show was the highlight of sick days home from grammer school.
Better than Mr. Rogers, Card Sharks, or even Price is Right. KMG365!
I’m back from Pismo and
I’m back from Pismo and the lovely Sea Gypsy! It was fun. Gotta work, but I was cleaning my office and found an invitation to Made in California: NOW.
I was out of town for the opening, from the website I’d say this is a
good thing to take the kids to. It includes work by a friend at work,
“digital diva” Jennifer.
Teddy was sad to see
Teddy was sad to see me leave. As I stacked my bags by the front door,
he grew sad. It was heart wrenching. But his family is home now; they
can take over.
Next, Bring It On. Ready — Ok. Good Movie. Good Movie. We what to cheer. A good Movie. Cheer. A good Movie. Thanks. To Kevin. For cheering. A Good Movie.
Oh, I forgot. Thanks to
Oh, I forgot. Thanks to Kevin for turning me on to the Left Behind books.
Finished book three last night
Finished book three last night of the Left Behind series. Boy, don’t mess with that crazy Wrath of the Lamb stuff. Can you (and Jar Jar Binks)
say “Wessa gonna die?”
Last night I was completely
Last night I was completely blown away by a one woman show called “29
Views of Hwang Chin-i”. Hwang Chin-i was a kisaeng (the Korean version
of the geisha) in the 16th century. We see her as a child growing to a
tired, weary woman. I won’t try to be poetic
or colorful with my descriptions, because I won’t be able to evoke the
same kind of powerful feelings the play does. I’ll just say Jenny Woo
(Hwang Chin-i), with help the music of June Yee, will let you see into
the soul of this woman who died centuries ago. It’s really something to
see. This version is actually the second run of the play. The LA Times gave the first run 4 stars and said it’s “A thing of beauty!” This new encore, second run plays through Sept 23 at the Gascon Center Theater
(this link isn’t great. it has a description of this little theatre in
this remodeled, historic bakery) in Culver City. Call 310-471-0545 for
info or tickets. If you live in LA, or are visiting,you must see this.
huh. I just learned I
huh. I just learned I have a slight abnormality with my bilirubin
levels in my blood. Apparently, all my other liver function indicators
are normal so my doctor is pretty unconcerned. Still, weird. If there
are any relatives out there with any history of bilirubin or liver
issues, my doctor and I would love to know about them.
Iron Chef fans — this
Iron Chef fans — this comic by Ruben Bolling
is a must see! Send more my way.
Passions are running high among
Passions are running high among the iPaulonesians (seeing how that
feels in actual use) out there. Certain iPaulonesians (feels a bit
breathy..hmm) are emailing me screaming to receive equal credit for the
term iPaulonesians and feeling neglected because I didn’t mention how
well they are doing on HSX. Wow. I believe iPaulo has reached a new level when my posts (or lack thereof) evoke such feelings. To publicly state, I care deeply
about each and every iPaulonesian – particularly those who email me.
That said, I guess Denise has received specific mentions on two recent
occasions. Ooops. Sue me.