Ah! I haven’t posted anything silly for a while. This page about How to Clean a Plane rectifies that. (thx to kc)
Ah… The good traffic maps
Ah… The good traffic maps are back! You need to click on ‘Go to SpeedMap’, but it’s bookmarkable. Life is good.
I am a Mac user
I am a Mac user turned to the dark side by games. Sites like this MacinBlog make me wish I could still be part of the Mac crowd. Maybe I’ll buy a dreamcast and g4 and use my PC to host thompaul.org. Hmmm.
BTW, M:I 2 is a great James Bond movie. If you like the TV show, however, see Gladiator again before you take in the garbage that is mi2.
A coworker with amazing musical
A coworker with amazing musical knowledge informs me “He Don’t Care about Me” from the i-10 Chronicles is a cover of a Commander Cody & the Lost Planet Airmen song. Never heard of them, but their website leaves me with the impression I should have.
I just ran into ls
I just ran into ls and learned that my blog is a daily ‘ritual’ for her hubby. I felt compelled to make sure something fresh would greet him.
Interested in geeky news with
Interested in geeky news with a euro-spin? Telepolis may be for you.
Vast numbers of you complained
Vast numbers of you complained that Camp Chaos was unreachable. It’s back up now. If you haven’t already, download shockwave and then go watch the Napster movie.
Ah, returning to work after
Ah, returning to work after a vacation. 90 emails. Lovely. See the Spud Server and a shocking story about Kid Rock starving
to death.
Boy it’s nice to be
Boy it’s nice to be home. I learned so many things on my trip this
weekend. A quick list would include things like: LA to Utah is far,
kids are amazing (not new, but always good to gather more evidence),
Ute Lemper may fool you during a quick listen at the record store but
she doesn’t make good road music, BR5-49 and The I-10 Chronicles
do make good road music, two big men jumping from the closet screaming
‘Let’s all go to the movies’ will cause pain for the victim of this
little surprise and lastly, Utah to L.A. on a Sunday afternoon is really far.
Movies. For the first time in many years, I saw 4 movies in 2 days! Besides the 21 hours of driving, it’s pretty close to my ideal weekend. The Big Kahuna, Small Time Crooks, The Virgin Suicides and Shanghai Noon
are all excellent movies. All get at least a 2 on the Paul movie-scale. I would say more, but it’s late and I’m burnt out from my share of the drive home. (and I still have to go link to all this!)
Uh oh. Blogger didn’t publish
Uh oh. Blogger didn’t publish my last post.