Camp Chaos rocks. (requires flash 4) Their Napsterbad movie is amazing. The Alligator Hunter will leave you laughing out loud as well. Enjoy.
Just got home from seeing
Just got home from seeing Battlefield Earth.
Linking to their official site would be unfair to you the readers of
iPaulo. This movie was terrible! Are you a SF fan worried that Titan AE
won’t be any good? Worried the year 2000 won’t have any decent SF
movies at all? Don’t worry I have just the thing. See BE – heck, see it
twice. Then any other science fiction you see this year will be great by comparison. Even Mission to Mars looks like Star Wars compared to BE. Avoid this movie like the plague it is.
Oh man! The traffic maps
Oh man! The traffic maps
are back online, but they’re terrible compared to the original
graphical version. I have to click on about 6 different freeways now to
find out what route would be fastest for me. Oh well. I guess one can’t
complain much about a free service.
Going out to all my
Going out to all my friends who are parents. Or just adults who are
kids at heart. Or adults who still watch Sesame Street.This new show “Between the Lions” looks fun. (requires Quicktime
– it’s free) Why isn’t this going out to any kids? The show teachs
young kids to read, so obviously, they aren’t reading iPaulo.
Oh, thank you zippyblog. You’ve
Oh, thank you zippyblog. You’ve shown the way to Realm of Redheads.
This may be one of those destinations where I’m attracted to the
concept of the site, but never actually go and surf it. After all, it
looks like mostly teenagers; I like redheads but I also like to act my
Well, I was a bit
Well, I was a bit concerned about this next little post. It’s a bit
racey but I’m going to throw it up (so to speak) because sg the Wise said “don’t censor yourself … (iPaulo) is a lamppost!” Ok. Let the light shine! Beware – no nudity but it’s the first amusing sexual thing to appear here. From zippyblog.
Someone (not me, really!) suggested
Someone (not me, really!) suggested iPaulo tshirts. If such a thing existed, would you buy one? Let me know.
True to my word for
True to my word for once, that’s that. is a 9 Mb bouncing baby boy, which coincides with the birth of and
Why all three? I really liked the name iPaulo, but I also wanted to
have a joint site with my brother and sister. The paulthom thompaul
comes from the tendency of our family to get confused about which of us
they’re talking to. Now I have sort of ended up with two sites. I’m
still not sure what’s up with that although I plan to have fun figuring
it out.
This may be my final
This may be my final blog from the old iPaulo. A new, even more vanity
driven site with a hip name is coming very soon. Until then, read about who will try to fill what were rightfully Leonardo’s shoes in Star Wars Episode II.
If Star Wars doesn’t float your boat, perhaps fake dog boop will. (thanks mc) I had considered waiting blogging this until I had sent a few anonymous piles, but decided I had better not.