A bomb scare at the Federal Building near Westwood had our neighborhood traffic unbelievably messed up for the second time in a month. This time, I successfully aborted what would have been a 90+ minute trip to go 2 miles, parked my car in westwood and walked home! We then walked to dinner at a new sushi place (yum) and saw après vous. Very good movie!
meet the fockers
I laughed. Wasn’t amazing, didn’t feel as original as the first, but I laughed. I’m glad I saw it.
finding neverland
I enjoyed finding neverland. It was a nice story with good acting. The locations and special effects worked. Very entertaining movie.
in good company
I enjoyed in good company. I especially enjoyed the age appropriate casting. Dennis Quaid’s wife wasn’t 20. Scarlett Johansson looked the right age for the part, etc.
hotel rwanda
sad, amazing, powerful, scary, evil, goodness, inspiring.
ocean’s 12
not as slick as the first, but not a bad sequel. I enjoyed it and it was an important, not-heavy part of the double feature myk and I made out of this movie and the very heavy Hotel Rwanda.
life aquatic
Bill Murray is fun to watch.
million dollar baby
It’s not a boxing movie!
Right. Since I’m playing catch up on movies, I’m being kind of sloppy. There are going to be a lot of full ipaulo ratings. Don’t let that fool you, this movie was excellent. I’m drinking more red wine since watching this movie, which is good for my heart. That was going to be the first line in a sort of blogging montage about things I’ve started doing because of sideways, but I’ve forgotten the others. And I still have 5 other movies to blog before I’m caught up. Gotta go!! So please go create your own google montage about wine.
the machinist
Ignorance is bliss! NOT!! If I had known how gut wrenching this movie was going to be, I’m not sure I would have gone. It was an amazing movie, but it did feel like it took part of your soul.