Big TV

Somewhat strangely, my Mom is responsible for my latest tech lust. Her old TV was getting iffy and now I’m totally jealous of her new 32″ HD LCD. Tonight I started my reading in earnest, and found a few cools sites and articles. tells you what digital signals you might receive in your area. I found antennaweb in (stop rubbing cows!) this cnet article which gave an excellent albeit remedial overview of hdtv. Another cnet page has a size calculator which I liked.

I’m free!

I’m free. I’m no longer an Exchange email server administrator.

IT crowd and more Christmas ideas

IT Crowd will be made into a US series ala the The Office, according to wikipedia. I still want a DVD of the orginal series, but that’s not available yet.

Another UK made item is the USB Missile Launcher. The good news, though, is that is now available from a domestic US source. I love Think Geek. No wish list required. If I happen to get 2, 3, or heck even 5 of these from different people, that’s AOK. There is software to run all of them in sync. (I think.. but still, I have special projects planned if I get more than one. Robots, home defense, lots of ideas)

new theme

Woohoo. I upgraded to WordPress 2.x after seeing it in use at work. I also dug around and found this cool new theme. I’d like to add a light graphic element, perhaps something like the infrequently rotated image from the old site. I’ll have to check that out. I’m not sure how I feel about the theme author’s “sponsor” link that he requests you include, but I’ve tweaked it slightly and will leave it for now. WordPress 2.x supports a plugin called Widgets by Automattic which is truly cool. I’m still playing around (my movie ratings are missing for now. Sorry.) but it looks very cool.


Yeah, OK. I’m late. MacSaber was slashdotted days ago but I missed it, ok?! But these 2 guys on youtube take it to 11. I was thinking about switching away from a Mac OS laptop, but now I think I’ll have to wait and see. Totally fun.
And if you still need more video fun, check out this Clerks II trailer! Woot!