Orson Scott Card and Serenity

woah ho.. Orson Scott Card says this about Serenity-

“And I’ll tell you this right now: If Ender’s Game can’t be this kind of movie, and this good a movie, then I want it never to be made.

I’d rather just watch Serenity again.

Now that’s a quote that will probably put some butts in the seats. Read everything Card says about Serenity at his site. See Serenity.

online publishing systems

This is a geeky bookmark post for geeks and sys admins. Check out these two open source projects. Magnolia is a j2ee-based CMS product. The humano2 project is even more interesting. It’s a business app framework which seems very interesting. I like building things without major programming and it looks like humano might make that possible.

security madness

Right.. I’m going to need a new web host again. I can never use the word po’ker in a file or directory name because it will be banned by mod_security. ACK! So, enjoy the pictures of the p0ker table. And, no, that is NOT I repeat NOT a gambling table. It is a p0ker table. I leave it up to each of you to figure out what that actually is.


I’ve been listening to the first episode of The Signal podcast. I don’t know what the other episodes will be like, but the first show uses a lot of audio from the show. Not sure how legal it is, but it makes for some fun listening.

i’m a lemon bar

You are what you eat, so the saying goes. So tonight, I’m a lemon bar! We were at Frito Misto in Santa Monica for dinner. When the waiter asked if we wanted dessert, we said no thank you. But we said something about how good we’d heard they were, and the waiter agreed, told us we should try them some because they’re homemade. Lo and behold, instead of coming back with our check, he came back with a lemon bar and fresh whipped cream. Oh my!