virgin silverback

Yesterday Alan told me about The most emotional experience of my first visit was the sad story of OJ the Virgin Gorilla. My favorite today: a google search of fark while I looking for the OJ article, the first result featured Mike Tyson biting the ear. Go figure. Maybe poor OJ needs to bite some ears to get the attention of those mud throwing females.

Testing out MarsEdit

Awesome. At UCLA, there is a guy who for years has been posting about the Mac. I just love the stuff he comes up with. Case in point…

For those maintaining blogs here's a nifty editor...

Such a simple post. Short and to the point. And it turns out the program is amazingly handy. Since moving to Movable Type, I’ve been a little unimpressed with its editor. Now, Jose at UCLA has solved that problem. Thanks Jose!

comment spam

Argh! I switched to movable type a while ago, but comment spam is such a pain. While removing 11 new cans of comment spam, I accidentally erased a comment from evolved skeptic about the image I posted! Funny, I was coming to post about how I might be switching back to blogger. I think this might seal the deal. I hate spam.

computers and tequila

“A computer lets you make more mistakes faster than any other invention
in human history, with the possible exception of handguns and tequila.”