
Well well well. I have no idea what the point is, but I would enjoy having a thriving population for iPauloville. Head over and help populate iPauloville.

Update 3/19/2008 – iPauloville is intentionally being left to rot. Never had a point, never should have kept going as long as I did. Bad iPaulo, bad!

photo blogs and galleries

I was catching up on some tech reading and found my way to the blog of Mike Matas (he does interface design at Apple). At a party on New Year’s Day I met Marty Cohen. They both take nice photos. After looking at Marty’s site this morning, I spent a few minutes looking at Chromasia.com again. He’s still taking great pictures.

eve online

I started playing eve online a few weeks ago, when they released the Mac client. I’m having a roaring good time. I’m starting to look at joining a player corp now. We’ll see how that goes. Email or comment if you want a buddy invite. If I read it right, it gives you a 14 day extension to the 14 day trial giving you 28 days of free eve. Yazoh!