eq takes over lives!
ramblings of everquest players and their widows. the look isn't much but it feels good.


harpy's head

morell-thule ezb
guad :) spot


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tuesday, may 29
My guild, Exiled Elite, now have an ezboard. It's new, but it's getting going.

tuesday, may 22
I made 15th Sunday night. Upon returning to cabilis last night, I got spirit of the snake. It boosted my charisma 13 points. Woot! Good for wooing those painted ladies in the redlight district of west cabilis I missed while away in Faydwer. Alas...will it never end? I looked at my 19th level spells through my new 15th level eyes. I've got to have them...now. I'm having so much trouble in Overthere with creatures resisting my current DoTs. I desperately need upgrades to feel effective once again. argh!

monday, may 21
EQ-lizer is a nice site for lists of magical sets.

tuesday, may 15
Saw this amazingly funny EQ story on everlore... in an article about baseball. The eq comes in the middle.

Eric found a great site for people who like to fletch.

monday, may 14
And a raid site with a cool calendar. Wish my guild was listed on this (and I was high enough level to go on a planes raid) or eq.guildmagic.com.

Found a new morell thule website to replace the old, dead one.

From allakhazam's thought of the day... appropriate to ikpyl's adventures of late — “What could possibly have made the orcs think that setting up camp right outside the wood elf city was a good idea?”

And I really don't think people understand the Zen of fishing — “There is an old Norrathian proverb that goes 'Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will be bored for a lifetime'”

monday, may 7
Ish's idea for a mammoth coat wasn't included, but the song If I had a Billion Platinum and other EQ songs by Richie Truxillo are pretty funny. (Duurk found this. Woot!)

thursday, may 3
Hi. So have you read this GameSpy Editorial? Which one of you are major contributors to the supposed demise of RolePlaying...

wednesday, may 2
Wow. I received a twinking last night. An old friend of Pylmax's from Halas ventured down to visit ikPyl. She gave me a giant 2hb mallet weapon whose name I forget. dam 24 delay 50. But still, dam 24! Then she dumped her odd gold and silver on me...which she "couldn't be bothered with running to the bank." Boom. ikPyl is almost 60pp richer. I asked if this was a twink and she boobahed that.

But then she starts asking me about my armor. Runs to the kelethin bank, whose doors are too small even for a barbarian female to come through. Runs to felwithe and returns with all kinds of blackened armor from runnyeye. I haven't inventoried it all yet, but it looks like it could easily total 200+ pp worth of gear. After rebuffing me, I ask if all of this constituted a twink? Her answer. "No... if it was, you'd have a wisdom of 180." (big thanks to my kelethin banker Kayliena!)

tuesday, may 1
Did you partcipate in the pysch study? It was fun. Here's the report. It's really good reading!