MP3 favorites |
I listen to
My evil brother Thom turned me on to mp3. I now have a Rio and a decent collection of music. This is a sampling of some of my favorite music downloaded from (mostly). I linked to highlight artists I particularly like, or when the original site wasn't One of the things I like most about the mp3 explosion is the diversity of the music. Sometimes you will find the same artist with songs in wildly different categories. Sometimes you will find music that record labels don't seem to what to release for mainstream audiences, or that radio stations won't play. Just for yucks, I have a few of the comedy pieces at the end.
Acoustic Mayhem - don't even try to label this gang. Just call it fun for the whole family, especially "froggie went a courtin"
AccordionMan - way funky cyber (and traditional) cajun
Stan Arthur and Friends - Timothy B (Unplugged)
Bobs Bunch - Take me home for some Vegas Swing
Celtic Nots - Come by the Hills
chochamo - Beban
Colin Hay - Overkill
Lizzie Cook - Really, really, really Zydeco
elwood - red wagon
Fast Forward - Red Dance
Mike G - Swingin'
Ghost in the Machine - one of the only techno bands I like
Anthea Lawrence - Slainte (below) singer with solo stuff
MadelynIris - sometime light, something the vocals rage all over. Cool.
Veronica Martell - Swing with a great singer and musicians
maximus - Dixi Cajun
M.G.S - Donīt Cry
The Reality Salad Band
Red Delicious - As usual, the acoustic stuff is better than their real stuff.
Veena Sahasrabuddhe - Indian
Slainte - celtic artist, a favorite
Charlie Sneller - Piano, moody instrumentals, or quiet ballads. Excellent!
Valley Jones - "The 19th letter" is cool
Andrey Vinogradov - sings in Russian
Willy Wainwright - bluegrass
Ric Bonnell - email/Usenet song about Flame Wars. Not great, but kinda fun
The Pilgrims - Jar Jar Binks
Gag Reflex - Jar Jar Binks Must Die
VaudeVillains - Lord of the Flies Summer Camp