I wonder if my father was watching Plato’s Stepchildren a few days before I was born.
ashes and snow
Carol and I went for a nice walk on beach in Santa Monica this weekend and we saw the most amazing exhibit. Ashes and Snow, located in the Nomadic Museum near the Santa Monica Pier, is breathtaking at times. Very cool. You can get a glimpse of the images on the ashes and snow website. (there’s a flash version I didn’t check out) All LA-based iPaulonesians should make a special trip to see the exhibit before the show goes nomad. All US-based iPaulonesians should consider finding an excuse to make a visit to LA before May 14. (and international iPauloesians should be sure to comment or email so that I know you exist!!)
Oh gawd. I was so excited when I started to catch up with my blog rolling that I hadn’t been tagged. Or, in other words, I hadn’t been chain lettered. But I was wrong. Guadspot did it to me yesterday. Now, I have to be a fuddyduddy or have to blog something more than a paragraph long and include lots of witticisms like everyone else. The horror!! The pressure!
iPod packaging done right!
I know this was already on Kevin’s blog, but maybe you don’t read that. Check out how MS would improve the iPod packaging in this very funny video. (in my case, credit goes to good ‘ol Slobodan here at ucla)
water, fire and plants
Play with this weird virtual sandbox. It’s fun.
On Evil
Danny O’Brien’s On Evil is clearly the funniest IT Conversation recording I’ve heard to date. Very geeky.
Marimba Ponies
You must check out Marimba Ponies doing their song Sabre Dance (from official site | blog fwd’d to me).
fastest indian
Saw The World’s Fastest Indian with Mike this weekend. An excellent movie. If you are into speed or motorcycles, this is probably a must see. If not, it’s a nicely told story about an dynamic man.
fear of girls
Doug Doug and his PLP suffer through their fear of girls together in this excellent short film on video.google.com. And while you’re there, watch his other film Pitching Mother or another random thing I found called Tom Cruise Kills Oprah.
The movie was very light on content compared to the book, but I enjoyed seeing The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in the theater. I’m doing pretty well catching up on my movies. Now that I’ve seen Narnia, I’m ready for Brokeback Mountain. Can’t wait.