It was a good run for the dancing cow, but even petrified content gets changed eventually! Now featuring a picture of Peter Rabbit
from Father’s Day at the guad spot.
british politicians
I was watching Tony Blair stand up in the house of lords and answer
questions. It was amazing to watch how open and candid it all seemed.
This slate article about Blair’s style did a nice job articulating how it felt to me.
Battlestar Galactica
Battlestar Galactica news. Ought to be interesting.
Saw Whale Rider last night.
Saw Whale Rider last night. What a terrific movie.
Miltie – for Uncle Miltie
Miltie – for Uncle Miltie was the last word in my first nyt crossword! Yahoo!
Today I started my first
Today I started my first new york times crossword puzzle. It’s Monday. It’s allegedly the easiest. We’ll see.
“foul breast dost wicked tale
“foul breast dost wicked tale do” is an example of “perfect Shakespearean philosophy” so says Mr Wallace with the help of the magnetic poetry in my office.
Mr Milk found a great
Mr Milk found a great article about mead as an aphrodisiac. Wish I was married and living in britain, then I’d get free mead!