Hottest find so far : Cirque du Reality TiVo on Bravo. I really enjoyed the first episode I watched tonight. Got meeee a seee-zon passss of dat Fire Within ( viva la france).
Burn baby burn. Thom’s fried
Burn baby burn. Thom’s fried AMD cpu is pretty cool.
Oh my. Guad*spot is back
Oh my. Guad*spot is back and bringing us such goodies as boob scarves and the story of andy’s computers.
Duck’s quote of the day:
Duck’s quote of the day: From coach Mike Babcock, “he’s not dead and he’s not playing, so he is somewhere in between”
For fun, frolic and general
For fun, frolic and general sanity relief, after you’ve contacted your elected official bout the war, check out britney spears explosive accessories.
Oh, I’m so glad “(the
Oh, I’m so glad “(the U.S.) have just started giving (UN inspectors) intelligence“. Basically, we haven’t been cooperating with the UN? Um, duh! Is our goal to escalate
the war (because we’re already at war. we’ve been bombing for days now)
with absolutely no evidence? Our policy certainly is foreign.
iPaulo is a daddy! How
iPaulo is a daddy! How strange is that.
Kudos go to sean &
Kudos go to sean & dan for bringing to me this hilarious story from bbspot about lotr.
If Thom really wants to
If Thom really wants to spice up his new blog,
he should rename name it “Phillabaumelphia – The Blog of Brotherly
Love” and give me publishing rights on it. Of course, that would
stretch my blogger dollars awfully thin. So it’s probably better this
way; him with Where the Blogs Have No Name and me with iPaulo. Good luck Thom!