I’m looking for a) a

I’m looking for a) a place to live close to UCLA and b) a new place to
host iPaulo. If you have suggestions, let me know. I’ve got to go roll
around in the hay with my friend Cisco. It’s Fidel Castro’s 75th birthday today.

I didn’t like M.U.L.E. as

I didn’t like M.U.L.E. as much as Dirk (he was better at it therefore it was dumb—oh and it was a c64 game. we had an apple ][e
therefore it was dumb). However, through the intervening years, I have
learned to admin it was a fun game. And now, thanks to the world wide
web I might be able to play M.U.L.E. once more.

Wow. Run in terror from

Wow. Run in terror from any site you find running DCShop ecommerce software right now. It’s a beta product and the authors told people not to use it. They did anyway and now your privacy is in danger if you use their software.