Should you put yourself up for sale? If you’ve been pondering this delicate question, you must visit Human for Sale.
Cool! It’s only been 11
Cool! It’s only been 11 days since my last post. I thought it had been
much longer. Working a lot. Ever wonder where iPaulo will be in 50
years? A lot of people are.
I just learned Leo Marks
I just learned Leo Marks died in January. That’s a real bummer. His book I mentioned last month really touched me. One of his poems (midway down the link) is amazing to me. I’m sorry to hear he past away.
On a lighter note, thanks to sg for a link to dancingpaul. It inspires me in a very different way than Between Silk and Cyanide.
Today, one day only. Go
Today, one day only. Go right now to google.
Their Canada Day graphic will make you laugh out loud.
Suggesting to a group at
Suggesting to a group at ucla I could work on Saturday seemed like a
bad idea as soon as it came out of my mouth… But, since I’m testing
backup software, I have a lot of waiting to do. Translation — more blogtime! Did you know Steve Wozniak likes to play practical jokes using uncut sheets of $2 bills?
Uh oh. 18 days since
Uh oh. 18 days since an iUpdate. oops. I hope this fun Star Wars short film will put me on the road back to salvation. You can read the a story about the film at Apple’s site.
huh. I found the Spy
huh. I found the Spy Alumni Association today. How cool is that? They liked one my favorite books, Between Silk and Cyanide—thought
it was a “valuable addition to knowledge”.
Wow. Kaycee’s ‘mom’ Deb sure
Wow. Kaycee’s ‘mom’ Deb sure spins a good tale. If you recall, I
blogged many moons ago about the blog of a 19 year old girl with
cancer. She was inspirational as all get out. Well, turns out the whole
thing is a huge, multiyear hoax by Deb, the mother of the fictitious
kaycee. I feel sorry for the people, like vanderwoning who designed her
site and really got personally involved in kaycee’s life. Here’s his story about kaycee I found. Deb was apparently trying to give people with cancer hope. I wonder if she really did the opposite in the end.
I guess iPaulo is becoming
I guess iPaulo is becoming a weekly…. Right. was funny and a blog called python has a nice web design worthy of stealing.