Found two pretty neat sites. One is an open source perl blog called OpenJournal. Looks like it runs at any web hosting provider who supports perl cgi. Of more general geek interest, I stumbled across the NewScientist and their list of links to info about everything from ethics, computer history and how a cpu works.
I loved the movie Moulin
I loved the movie Moulin Rouge. The music and visuals were out of this world. Through a bizarre twist of my brain, I kept thinking of Mamma Mia. I guess in both shows the music created an evocative story I could really get into. Maybe someday I’ll head off to the real Moulin Rouge.
Making an encore to their
Making an encore to their ipaulo appearance long ago, shows us all how to impress a date. Also, go to and click on the ‘for ella’ link on the left nav bar. Great for the kids!
Ok so. Check out this
Ok so. Check out this nifty keyboard prototype. With good construction, this good be fun to use. Or…Listen to swedish radio.
I was clearly remiss when
I was clearly remiss when I didn’t announce with great fanfare the addition of entropy’s own to my left side linkbar. A great blog. On days when iPaulo doesn’t give you what you need, head over to entropy.
I was distracted by the
I was distracted by the blacksmith but otherwise Knight’s Tale is worth seeing if you’re into this kind of thing. Shrek is a must see for anyone with a sense of humor. Driven doesn’t deserve a link or any of your hard earned dollar.
In a renewed effort to
In a renewed effort to again make iPaulo the destination site it once was… I begin again with… the Apple Store. I hope the stores are a success. If Apple can finally get some faster chips,
oh my! Douglas Adams died
oh my! Douglas Adams
died suddenly Friday of a heart attack. He was the first author I met
in person. I can’t believe he died before the age of 50. If you have
never read Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,
you really should. It was in the first handful of SF books I read as a
kid. It hard to imagine what my teenage life would have been without
the Dark Domain, the Austin “can I get ‘yall som’um to draaank?” NASFiC
with Fred and Bryan, and SF books like hhgg. You really want to
celebrate his life, in which he created so many great books, but it
sucks too much that he died.
Well, we didn’t make it
Well, we didn’t make it to Ren Faire. Hope to do that soon. Today we
also had a little outage with iPaulo. Something my web host did. Oh
Lords and Ladies. We’re heading
Lords and Ladies. We’re heading to Ren Faire anon. Found the official site of the so cal faire and one or two other sites. Wish me luck making friends with the Washer Women.