I’ve posted several ucla student

I’ve posted several ucla student projects I’ve seen through work. Well, even faculty produce cool sites too! Cameron Mcnall’s study of light is nifty. John Bishop,
not a designer like Cameron, has a site built with passion, wacky
custom icons and “through enthusiastic whim and impulse.” John’s work
as a visual anthropologist and teacher makes traveling his site an
adventure on par with his trips to the Himalaya’s and throughout Asia.

How many excuses do I

How many excuses do I need this time to be forgiven for not posting in
9 days?! I won’t try. Over the weekend, we went to Las Vegas to see Bare Naked Ladies in concert. It was amazing! They are great in concert. Mandalay Bay is a nice hotel and isn’t a bad place to see a concert. Lots of wall slap though…I thought of it as an analog reverb filter. Be sure to see BNL every chance you get.

Well well well. I’ve had

Well well well. I’ve had a cold so ipaulo has been pretty silent. Sorry folks. That’s gonna change right now.

For Kristin’s birthday, we saw Mamma Mia.
What a musical! Funny, good singers, nifty scenery and lighting. Just
great. The face lift lady needs to loosen up, but that had nothing to
do with the play. For dinner, we tried Hugo Molina.
They had the most amazing chocolate dessert – the Twin Towers. Yum yum
yum. It was 2 hours ago, and I’m still enjoying myself. Not only
that…they have cooking classes. I’m there.

Gary has a new web

Gary has a new web presence. Big Corn—Big Pics of both Jeff/Gary and Paul/Mike. If you liked the earlier corn pic,
you’ll these! They don’t show the sweeping majasty of the concorncrete
field, but you see the people much better.

In the first ever (that

In the first ever (that I can think of) appearance of one of the gang
on a major domain (well, ipaulo.com is major but well fargo probably
gets a few more hits), Sean is recognized for his work at ucla.