I wrote a bio while

I wrote a bio
while I was chatting with Brent. Touched up the formatting a bit and
published it this afternoon. At 1:30am as I wrote it, the line about my
dad really resonated. This morning it sounds a bit corny. More than a
bit. hmmm.

What’s the deal with blogs?

What’s the deal with blogs? Are any of them ugly? Are they somehow
inherently beautiful? Is mine ugly and I don’t know it? Who the hell
blogs at 4:30am or even 1:30am? I’ll be 32 this year.

Yesterday, I ranted about laywers

Yesterday, I ranted about laywers and their screwing up my fun with Elian.
Well, all praise Dale! He emailed to say look in your cache stupid.
(paraphrased that a bit) Well, duh, I feel silly. Of course it was
there; a fine little 540k flash document! Woohoo. Scanned some new
photos in this moring before work, now this… on a Friday no less. It’s going to be a great day.

Oh no. The wassup video

Oh no. The wassup video from 4/26 is gone thanks to some pinhead lawyer
at Associated Press who can’t take a joke. I knew I should have made a
copy rather than link to it. Bummer. Sorry to those who missed it – yet
another reason to check iPaulo often. 😎