Alright! I’ve arrived in Austin Texas, home of the ‘Dillo (and Chrispo).I ate at my first authentic Tex-Mex place, Chuy’s. Good drinks, and great Elvis gear. Anywho. I’ll be back Sunday.
How cool is this?A Scottish
How cool is this?A
Scottish chemistry lecturer believes she has discovered the scientific
reason why cold, left-over pizza, tastes so good the morning after.
Anyone tried I’ve been
Anyone tried I’ve been curious.
Who cares about web standards?
Who cares about web standards? So far, it appears Hitbox doesn’t.
Interesting website for sharing a
Interesting website for sharing a DSL or cable modem between multiple computers
Diablo 2 beta testing? How
Diablo 2 beta testing? How interesting.
Woohoo! I won the cold
Woohoo! I won the cold cash on hsx today. Cool.
Virtues of Base 2. I’ll
Virtues of Base 2. I’ll be turning 2^5 (i.e. 2 raised to the 5th or 32) later this year. In our base 10 world, turning 32 is not one of the biggies.
Using base 10 to determine when these biggies occur means we have an
age crisis every ten years. I decided today that forevermore, my age
milestones will be base 2. Hence, I won’t have to worry about a biggy
birthday again till I’m 2^6. This is the first of the Virtues of Base 2. Are there more? Only time will tell. If you have another, let me know.
Not even 9 o’clock, already
Not even 9 o’clock, already one bandanna spotted.
A Dog’s Dream (shoe of
A Dog’s Dream (shoe of meat) by UCLA student Wesley Yu. A new poster-image for the vegetarian community?