War Bonds!
iPaulo is not at war. But, I wouldn't mind if someone put these
things in my stocking:
- DVDs, CDs or books
- everyday, fancy or sports (that gives your heart rate) watch
- palm pilot IIIxe ?
- refrigerator magnetic poetry or famous saying thingy
- big umbrella
- waterproof shower radio
- 'thumper' massager from Brookstones or gift certificates to
a spa/massage place
- wall clock with neon (or almost anything with neon that goes
on a wall)
- cocktail shaker
- golf lessons
- digital still or video camera
- sugar free, diabetic-friendly sweets
- an apartment on the west side
- 12x/1x0/32x CD-RW
- anything for an uncle to be
- HomeWorld:
Cataclysm or Crimson
Or, things I don't want this year.
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