p0ker table

Looks like I’ve got some weird precondition failures creeping around in the blog software again. Until I get that fixed, here is a link to the p0ker table pics.

The Break-Up

It’s weird to give such a poor rating to a comedy which made me laugh quite a bit. Several things bothered me about The Break-up. First, I identified with Vince Vaughn’s character at some awkward times. Never enjoyable to identify with the clueless “infantile” guy of the movie. Second, the only relationship that didn’t suffer some kind of meltdoown at some point was Jennifer Aniston and her boss. Every other relationship was awful at some point. Finally, the whole movie was uneven. It’s a shame this movie didn’t work better. It had some fun moments and a good cast. It successfully created several nice moments that were ruined by the insubstantial moments that followed.

Thank you for Smoking

Kirk Honeycutt from Rotten Tomatoes says “The movie is amusing and clever but only skin deep”. That sums up how I felt afterwards pretty well. (oops. forgot to rate it)

Voyages avec Enfant et Chien

I love alliteration, so I blogrolled Erica’s blog as “Expat Erica”. Joe and Erica are friends from San Luis Obispo (Joe was my roommate for 3 years for pete’s sake!). Erica’s blog is packed with tales of beautiful places and lovely pictures. I’m so jeolous my blog isn’t as nice. Not to mention that I can’t make the choice to go to Italy for a long weekend. Check it out!


Yeah, OK. I’m late. MacSaber was slashdotted days ago but I missed it, ok?! But these 2 guys on youtube take it to 11. I was thinking about switching away from a Mac OS laptop, but now I think I’ll have to wait and see. Totally fun.
And if you still need more video fun, check out this Clerks II trailer! Woot!