chicken deboning and other tales

Today, with help from Chef Eric, I deboned an entire chicken. It was a lot less gross than I would have expected it to be. As warm up for the big deboning, I julienned and diced a mess of potatoes and carrots with an onion thrown in for taste. I would highly recommend Chef Eric. The class was great.

Boba Flower

boba fet holding a pink flower

oh my! I thought our newest young blogger would really appreciate this Boba Flower image. (and I have no idea why the image isn’t showing up correctly in Firefox. flickr did it!)

google shared items

woot! It’s not as pretty as I would like, but it will work for now. You’ll notice now has a second page called Page 914. It’s basically my google reader shared items I mentioned earlier, wrapped into a feedburner feed to allow styling. I read about how to do the wrapping at andrew grant’s site, and the post is from late 2006 (ancient history I thought). But it seems like it’s still the way to do what I wanted. Twisted. Enjoy page 914.

fun with spellcheckers

I was consuming bandwidth this morning reading a university web developer list I subscribe to, when I came across this response to a question.

>I’m trying to document some examples of how Web communications/marketing
>personnel work with their IT colleagues.

*We* are perfectly fine. It’s those nincompoops in Marketing that are the problem. 🙂

[Author’s sig removed]
(who is amused to find “nincompoops” passes the Gmail spellcheck, but neither “gmail” nor “spellcheck” do)

While making this post, I went and checked. nincompoops does pass gmail’s spellcheck, but so does gmail and spellcheck. It’s still funny.