Voyages avec Enfant et Chien

I love alliteration, so I blogrolled Erica’s blog as “Expat Erica”. Joe and Erica are friends from San Luis Obispo (Joe was my roommate for 3 years for pete’s sake!). Erica’s blog is packed with tales of beautiful places and lovely pictures. I’m so jeolous my blog isn’t as nice. Not to mention that I can’t make the choice to go to Italy for a long weekend. Check it out!


Yeah, OK. I’m late. MacSaber was slashdotted days ago but I missed it, ok?! But these 2 guys on youtube take it to 11. I was thinking about switching away from a Mac OS laptop, but now I think I’ll have to wait and see. Totally fun.
And if you still need more video fun, check out this Clerks II trailer! Woot!

nacho libre

I think my spanish vocabulary expanded greatly while watching my first video podcast during lunch today. What was this educational podcast you ask? None other than JB’s Nacho Libre. Camera’s Ready!

does my geek and other linkorama

I was listening to the Does My Geek Look Big in This podcast, when they mentioned t-shirts for Fruity Oaty Bars. That led me the Serenity easter egg (cool), the google video (cooler), and the insane website of repeating Fruity Oaty Bars (coolest). After listening to the song over and over for 10 minutes, you’ll want to open your own can of River on a bar full of stuntmen. And, once the fruity oaty bar commercial has driven you insane, switch to the willy wonka theme found over on Plus, you’ll get to see River in a horrible gold, chinese outfit looking terrible. Hard to make her look bad, but that photo succeeds.

list of four more

Oops. The tagging police have arrested me for not reporting movies I’d watch over and over again.

Movies I can watch over and over again.

Big – no problem. Over and over. I love this movie.
Risky Business – even after all these years, Joe Pantoliano is still Guido the Killer Pimp to me.
Dances with Wolves – The ending gets me everytime
Planes, Trains and Automobiles – you’re going the wrong way!!