This one hit wonder iMix is great concept iMix. Oh oh. And tunes from the 80s.
Downloaded iTunes 4.5. I found a good iMix with Natalie Merchant, Rufus, and several people I’d never heard of. (link requires a free copy of iTunes)
Big Badda Boom
You gotta love it when suicide bombers kill their stick up men.
sugar good
Surprise surprise surprise! The sugar association says sugar is only half the equation with obesity. They want us to exercise and stop worrying about their half. huh.
fun with cybercrime
Yikes! The cybercrime treaty (not yet ratified by the US Senate, but signed by the PseudoPresident) sounds like great fun. Let’s see… How to commit a crime in Canada without even leaving home. Stop all the bother trying to prevent identity theft by using data encryption. Both are easy under this gem of a treaty to protect us. Write your senator today and mention your concern over “Treaty Document #108-1“!
The Whole Beast
g*spot was so right about
the whole beast not being a good gift for me.
Eric’s wife Adrienne painted several beautiful watercolors for Dirk and Sheila. I liked the idea of iPaulo being a lighthouse, at least for a while.
comment spam
Yuck! I’ve been really busy with work, playoffs, and general Tivo. The faithful know how bad I’ve been. But I’m back, at least for a little bit. Today I fixed MT so it won’t do the silly thing it did and reveal just how out of date my blog becomes in future – not that it will ever happen again. I also learned how to use MT-blacklist to get rid of 10 or so comments dumb spambots had created. Why do these people exist?! Couldn’t there be a special rapture for spammers?! Please please please.
Jersey Girl
Saw this movie with Thom. Ben Afflick managed not to suck. Raquel Castro was cute as his daughter Gertie. This was Kevin Smith’s first PG-13 movie; I heard he hopes it will be his last. [this is a time warp post! I just couldn’t get around to posting this one]
Eternal Sunshine
Woot! Did I like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind or what!?! I can be pretty clueless, but I think I got this one. Sean’s always been a loyal admirer of Kate Winslet, even in the face of my calling her a cow, the skirt next to Leo on the boat, etc. But holy cow! (ooops. punny) She held your eye and mind every time she was on screen. Very cool – I can say I’ve discovered Kate. p.s. J.C. was good too. 😎